måndag 25 mars 2024

The Jews and Freemasonry (1919)

By Alfred Rosenberg.

The Jews and Freemasonry

The Jewish world-speculators are in yet another way closely bound to the leaders of the fate of the Entente states: through Freemasonry.

I do not wish to go into greater detail about either the many “mysteries” or the alleged secrets of the Freemasons but only to illuminate the political effect of the order and its goals.

The country in which the real Freemasonry was born is England. From England lodges were founded in France and Germany at the beginning of the 18th century, in 1721 in Dunkirk and Mons, in 1725 in Paris, in 1733 in Valenciennes, etc. Even though the king threatened the secret society with everything, they won such a following that not even the prospect of the Bastille was frightening. In 1756, a number of associations united into a “Grand Lodge of France”.

Independent of it, there arose in Paris the “Grand Orient of France” under the Duke of Chartres, later Philippe Egalite, as Grandmaster. In 1778, there operated in Paris alone 129, and in the provinces 247 lodges! The formation of the secret societies underwent a similar development in other countries.

Even if there may have prevailed many disagreements among them, in one thing they were united: in the battle against the monarchy and the Church.

To put it briefly: the Freemason order was, and is, an international secret organisation with the goal of establishing an anti-religious world-republic. This goal was always before its eyes, even when it often used and supported the monarchy, according to its power and the circumstances dependent on it.

The sermon that one should serve man, not individual nations, found in it its most influential organ: the all-encompassing “humanity”, the “liberty, equality and fraternity” of all men were taught by it systematically, finally to find its way around the world as a newly announced gospel.

“To destroy all maimer of differences between men”, says the officer of the Grand Orient, Clavel, that is the great work undertaken by Freemasonry.

These proofs can be innumerably multiplied. The slogans that shook the world again and again were the coinage of the worldorder. They rang aloud first in the year of the catastrophe, 1789. The anti-monarchical tendency was often suppressed through calculation, but it was never lost and triumphs today more than ever.

“To be sure, in the monarchical states, the Masons drank to the health of the king at their communal meal. Of course obedience to the laws was insisted upon. These precautionary measures, such as “cleverness” demanded of an association that so many suspicious governments watched, did not in themselves suffice to destroy the revolutionary influence which the Freemasons had to exercise according to their very nature”.

“It is necessary that it obtain the highest political power, that it sit on all thrones or, much rather, that it rule over all thrones through its great men and through associations of its brothers’’. It is unnecessary to give further citations of Masonic efforts; they all say the same thing, and as regards the actions, the revolutions of 1789 until those of today were for the most part the fruits of Masonic influence.

Before, however, I pass on to these matters, an extremely important factor must be emphasised: the acceptance of the Jews into the secret societies.

The Jewish people, scattered through all the countries and yet closely bound together, are, by their very nature, the born conspiratorial people. Theoretically, the international theories of Freemasonry now posed no hindrance to the Jews.

Already in 1722 it was declared in England that “Masonry is an association of men for the spread of tolerant and humane principles in whose efforts the Jew and the Turk can take part as much as the Christian”.

Nevertheless, the aversion with regard to the Jews was not one easily to be overcome and only through sly moves was he able to creep in and, master of intrigues, mle. In 1754, a Portuguese Jew, Martinez Paschalis, founded a Cabalistic sect into which Jews streamed in large numbers.

After his death, Saint Martin took over the leadership of the society. It developed branches through all countries and even into Russia (the Martinists). In England, Toland had worked for the naturalisation of the English Jews and wrote two works (1713 and 1718) to this end; in Germany, the Jewish salons had become centres of political influence; Mendelssohn had won over Lessing for the Jewish goals and was able to mould him for them; at his request, Dohm wrote (1781) the above-mentioned work on the reform of the Jewish policy whose proposals, as we saw, served Mirabeau as the basis of his promotion of Jewish interests.

In this way the morale and the power of the Jewish lodges was sufficiently strengthened to effect their quite official acceptance into the whole association. This happened in the memorable convention in Wilhelmsbad in 1781.

There the founder of the German order of Illuminati, Weishaupt, had called a congress of all secret societies. There appeared delegates from all the countries of Europe, America, even from Asia. Here all conspiracies were unified under the formula of Weishaupt “to unite men of all countries, all classes and all religions for a higher interest and in a durable association”

And the representative of the French Martinists declared to an inquiry regarding the results of the congress: “I shall not give you the secrets that I bring; but what I think I can say to you is that a conspiracy has been instigated and that it will be difficult for religion and governments not to fall”.

These words were expressed eight years before their fulfilment. The time up to then passed in zealous underground activity. On that Louis Blanc reports:

“A remarkable association had been formed. Its members lived in the most diverse countries, belonged to every religion (even Jews) and every social status. On the eve of the French Revolution it had already acquired an immeasurable importance. It had spread all over Europe and appeared everywhere as an association whose foundations stood in contradiction to the principles of civil society ...” In 1785 a great council was held in Paris, where, among others, especially Cagliostro (the Jew Giuseppe Balsamo, the founder of the “Egyptian System” played a predominant role. Here the French Revolution was finally decided upon. In 1787, Cagliostro had the insolence to direct a manifesto to the French people and to predict to it all the events that later came true: the destruction of the Bastille, the overthrow of the monarchy, the introduction of the cult of reason.

The publicity activity was feverishly conducted, the wellknown slogans were distributed, peasants and soldiers acquired as soldiers, the 14th of July, 1789, was determined as the day of insurrection. Then the lodges were closed and the brothers went to the town halls and into the revolutionary committees.

When finally, in 1789, the instigated populace outside stormed forward, the conspirators sat with the stupid king, pledged fidelity to him, painted to him deceptive images of the fearful power of the outraged people, advised him to preserve the civic peace, the renunciation of his monarchical privileges, etc. And when they had finally weakened him, usurped the power for themselves, they hid him in the temple. An extremely interesting document on the powers of this time is provided to us by the former Prussian Foreign Minister, Count Haugwitz in a memoir from 1822 which he wrote after his retirement from political life. I quote the following from it:

“Aptitude and education had aroused in me a desire for knowledge that the ordinary did not satisfy - through Count Stolberg and Dr. Mumser I was myself accepted into the chapter ... I was called upon to take up the higher direction of a part of the Prussian, Polish and Russian Masonic conferences. Masonry was divided into two parties. One searched for the philosophers’ stone and was occupied with alchemy... It was different with the other party, whose apparent chief was Prince Friedrich of Brunswick.

In open feud between themselves, the two agreed in one thing: to have the throne in their possession and the monarchs as their trustees, that was the goal. Nothing remained to me but to leave with eclat or go my own way... I acquired the strong conviction that that which had begun in 1789, the French Revolution, the regicide, had been introduced over a long time through connections - my first impulse was to inform Prince Friedrich Wilhelm of everything. It seemed to the prince to be advisable not to break the connection with Masonry entirely in that he saw at present, with legal men in the lodges, a means of reducing the influence of the treason... The secret network has existed for centuries and threatens mankind more than ever ...”

At a meeting of the Propaganda Committee for the Revolution on 21 May 1790, one of the chief conspirators (Duport) said: “Our example makes the overthrow of the throne inevitable and the French Revolution will throw the sceptres of the kings before the feet of the people. But we should not remain on the defensive; if we do not wish to transfer the revolution to the other kingdoms it is lost ... That means looking for possibilities of revolution in every government and operating with them. Vanity warms the bourgeois, pressing need ruins the people. The former need gold to gamble with, for the latter it is enough to have realised hopes ...” The Grand Orient of France issued a manifesto in which it says: “All the lodges have come together to join together, to unite their powers for the support of the revolution, to obtain friends and protectors for it everywhere, to stoke the fire, and with it to set minds on fire, to arouse enthusiasm in all countries and with all the means in their power ...

After all it is not so surprising now that among the leading men of 1789 around 250 were Freemasons. That many slipped finally out of control and were delivered to the guillotine by their brothers alters nothing in the facts mentioned above. As a rule, the devil is indeed, in the end, the fool.

The French armies marched triumphantly through the countries, the much-famed Prussian army, on the other hand, fell in one blow. Why? Even here, along with the pigtail, there operated also the secret power.

The Freemason Dumouriez was opposed by the Duke of Sachsen-Teschen, a Freemason, as commander of the Austrian troops, and the Illuminatus Duke of Brunswick, as supreme commander. The latter of course published threatening manifestos, demanded security for the king of France, but his deeds stood in complete contradiction to them. Of course the undisciplined hordes of Dumouriez dispersed, fortresses opened their gates at the first cannon-shot, but the first city that showed some resistance, Thionville, already seemed invincible. In Paris, it was thought that all was lost, but something else happened. For, in spite of the visible superiority of the German troops at Valmy, the Duke of Brunswick contravened the orders of the king of Prussia, which would have caused a decisive defeat to the revolutionary army, and let the Prussian troops march away as the French were staggering.

Later, Napoleon in St. Helena let it be understood clearly as his opinion that here a Masonic treason was at play. And even if we do not wish to suppose any treason, yet we must suppose an inner unwillingness to fight against armies which seemed to be the bearers of ideas that large parts of the Prussian officer corps themselves paid tribute to.

The retreating German army was followed by the victorious French, the German fortifications, defended for the most part by Masonic officers, surrendered without resistance. The Illuminatus from Mainz, Bohmer, invited the French general Custine to lay siege even though the latter lacked almost everything necessary for it.

Three days after the latter’s request to surrender the fortification, the French marched in. In a similar way did Frankfurt, Speier and Worms fall into the hands of Custine and in this way were Brabant and Flanders also surrendered to Dumouriez. But precisely in this way did Pichegru “conquer” Holland, where important points were handed to him through the conspiracies of many commercial leaders at whose head stood the Jew Sportas who was “zealous” about the revolution. Of course the conspiracy was discovered but it was too late, the traitors did not suffer in the least; soon Amsterdam, Nijmwegen and Utrecht fell.

In this powerful way did the secret societies operate also later, Napoleon was supported at first in all countries. But when he did not wish to join the order but use it for his purposes, he was allowed to fall. This happened already in 1809. Whereas earlier he was wonderfully well informed about all that happened in the enemy camp while the leaders of the German troops were misled by false information, now Napoleon found himself in the situation of not being well informed. Never, it is said, was he greater than in his defeat; but that did not help him.

And among the principal reasons for his catastrophe is definitely his alienation from the Freemasons who no longer placed their information at his service but now worked for his overthrow.

Let us turn now to the situation in Germany. Here, first of all the encroachment of the Jews must be pointed to.

In 1807, a Jewish lodge, “L’aurore naissante”, was founded in Frankfurt am Main with French support. In 1814, it was reorganised by the Patriarch Hirschberg.

A book by a Freemason that appeared in 1816, Jewry in Freemasonry: A warning to all German lodges describes his Frankfurt foundation in the following manner:

“This new Jewish Templar system of the Frankfurt lodge is clearly enough connected to the intentions expressed in the Biblical Organon. The knights of the three-fold cross should avenge God for the believers - to the Jews all non-Jews are unbelievers - and reestablish the law of the Lord; the reward of their work is: for every knight a piece of the land of the unbelievers. Here it is once again concealed Judaism, for only Judaism has a god whom his confessors must extol and to the Jew the property of the unbelievers is promised more than their own legitimate property”.

The foundation of Jewish lodges in Frankfurt was followed by similar ones in Hamburg and others cities in Germany. From these secret societies there proceeded a relentless subversive activity which prevented there being a peaceful course in political life. And, in 1848, the Jews appeared also on the surface of German life. Heine and Borne are the best known personalities. ‘The Jews provided the revolutions of Europe with able writers ... 1848 showed a Jewish literary wealth that one could hardly imagine and all the newspapers of the ministerial, the so-called constitutional and the red press were immediately published and edited almost exclusively by Jews”. And Disraeli, England’s Jewish prime minister, a man who knew better than anybody else the way things stood, said proudly: “The powerful revolution that is brewing today in Germany is being developed entirely under the patronage of the Jew to whom has come an almost total monopoly of the professorial class”.

That is why an attack was directed unanimously on religion and bones of contention were thrown between Protestants and Catholics in order to inflame hatred in Germany.

All this, just as today, under the cloak of tolerance, freedom of thought and humanitarianism. In this the Hamburg lodge “At the three nettles” especially distinguished itself.

Mr. Blumroder said in a (Astraa) lodge lecture: “If the development of humanity should progress, the old forms in state and church must fall under heavy hammer blows.

The old structures will then be destroyed through force and if this destruction is punishable according to human laws, the eternal law that rules over the history of mankind is however satisfied by it”.

Gotthold Salomon, doctor of philosophy, brother of the “Rising Dawn” lodge, honorary member of the “Silver Unicorn” lodge,makes public the following statement which cannot be excelled in clarity: “Why is there also no trace in the entire Masonic ritual of Church Christianity? Why do the Masons not talk of the birth of Christ but, like the Jews, of the creation of the world? Why is there no Christian symbol in Freemasonry? Why the circle, the square and the scales? Why not the cross and other instruments of torture? Why not, instead of Wisdom, Strength and Beauty, the Christian trio: Faith, Charity, Hope?”

The Mason Ludwig Bechstein, Court Counsellor, Chief Librarian of Meiningen, Knight of the Order of the Red Eagle, reveals his goal in the following naive words: “Everybody wants to be happy; the enjoyment of life is the right of every man: but this right is much impaired by the pressure of the present”.

Mr. Goldschmidt, a Jewish brother, writes in his “Signs” on the occasion of the dissolution of an order: “The dissolution of the order in one part of America cannot merit approval; whatever the state form may be, it can be dissolved only on the day that there will be only one god and only one invocation”.

That it is not the Christian god and the Christian world¬ view that is meant here is emphasised in an unmistakable way by Goldschmidt’s deputy and racial comrade, Ludwig Borne (Baruch). He says: “Rule was born and with it slavery. The wicked held counsel to consolidate their rule and thought up Christianity to bring about bloody conflict among men. The good and the best of every age saw this, how mankind agitated in its own innards, they saw and lamented, but they did not despair. Then the remedial herb sprang up in their hearts. The secret circle drew round the altar of justice. What is the association that links the noble together? Masonry”.
The following should give evidence of how things stood in the heads of the leaders of Freemasonry: Mazzini explains as his principle that the orders should be attacked in such a way that the revolutions would be brought about by the government authority itself. He further writes: “Let the people never sleep. Surround them with disquiet, agitations, surprises, lies and celebrations. One does not revolutionise a country through peace, morality and wisdom. The people must be frenzied”. In America, this man sent forth a call for the founding of a republican universal alliance that ends in such words: “I think that it is a right and sacred duty of every nation and man to support by all possible means the efforts in other nations and among other men for the foundation of a universal and republican alliance. And I commit myself, as a member of this union, to help the propagation and realisation of our effort with all my power and with all means”.

When, in 1834, the conspirators met together in Switzerland, Mazzini, who had been driven out of France, placed himself at their head. Burdened with a triple murder decided upon at a secret tribunal under his chairmanship, he had shown that for him indeed every means was good. “Young Italy” arose through him. “But it was not sufficient for the great master”, says D’Arlincourt, “to revolutionise a country, it was necessary to disturb everybody. Young Germany was founded. Young Poland, Young Switzerland, Young Europe”. Weishaupt, the much extolled idealist, wrote to a highranking brother of the order: “In order to remain masters of our debates we should speak sometimes in one way at other times in another. Let us always say that the end will show what is to be taken as truth; one speaks sometimes in this way, at other times in another in order not to be found out, in order to make our actual thought impenetrable for the uninitiated. I want to make spies of the adepts, for themselves, for others, for all”.

A high-ranking brother wrote to another (Nubius): “Everything subjects itself to the level to which we wish to lower mankind. We hope to undermine in order to rule ... But I fear that we have gone too far; when I observe the personalities of our agents, I begin to fear not being able to control the storm that has been conjured up ... We have robbed the people of religious and monarchical belief, their honesty and family, and now, when we hear a thunder from afar, we tremble since the monster may devour us. We have stripped the people, bit by bit, of every honest feeling; it will be merciless ... The world has been led to a dependence on democracy and for some time democracy has meant to me always demagogy”.

To the same personality is also addressed a significant letter of the Jew Piccolo-Tigre, in his time one of the chief agents in the whole of Europe. After expressing satisfaction regarding an agitation-oriented journey, it says:

“From now on there remains nothing more for us to do than to start the engine to achieve the resolution of the drama ... The land that I have ploughed is overflowing and, if I may trust the reports, we no longer stand far from the epoch that has long been desired.

“The overthrow of the throne is for me, who have studied the work of our societies in France, Switzerland, Germany, beyond doubt... It is not a question of a revolution in one country or another, that can always be achieved with good will. In order to destroy the old world definitely, we believe it is necessary to choke the seed of Catholicism and Christianity ... we unfortunately lack only the head to command. Good Mancini still has his dream of humanity in his head and on his lips. Apart from the manner of his attempts there is something good in him.

“Through his secretiveness he arouses the attention of the masses, who understand nothing of the speeches of the illuminated cosmopolitans. Our press in Switzerland works well and publishes books such as we wish ... Soon I must go to Bologna where my golden presence will be necessary.

In an instruction of the same “little tiger” to the highest agent of the Piedmontese lodges, it says: “The most important thing is to isolate man from his family and to make him immoral... When you have instilled aversion to family and religion in a number of minds then let fall some words exciting a desire to enter into the lodges.

“The vanity of the bourgeoisie to identify itself with Freemasonry has something so banal and universal that I am always delighted at human stupidity. I wonder that the entire world does not knock on the doors of the most eminent and requests to be one more laborer in the reconstruction of the temple of Solomon”. An extremely interesting document that was delivered from a high-ranking Italian military officer, Simonini, to the author of the history of the Jacobins, A. Barruel, (1806) introduces us particularly well to the workshops of Jewish Masonic conspiracy. After thanking A. Barruel for his explanation of the history of the revolution, Simonini continues: “The power that, thanks to its great wealth and the protection that it enjoys in all courts, which is an enemy not only of the Christian religion but of every society, every order, is the Jewish sect. It seems to be an enemy of everybody and separated from everybody, but it is not. For it is only necessary that anybody show himself to be anti-Christian and he will immediately be protected and promoted by it.

“And have we not seen that it has distributed its gold lavishly to the modem sophists, the Masons, the Jacobins and Illuminati. The Jews form a united sect in order, if possible, to destroy Christianity entirely. I only say what I have heard from the Jews themselves. While my hometown Piedmont stood in the midst of the revolution, I had the opportunity to communicate often with Jews. I was at that time without particular scmples, I made them believe that I was seeking their friendship and said to them, requesting the strictest secrecy, that I, born in Livorno, was from a Jewish family; that I lived only outwardly as a Catholic, but inwardly felt Jewish and had always preserved for my nation a tender love. They took me entirely into their confidence.

“They promised to make me a general of Freemasonry, they showed me the gold and silver that they spent on their people and wanted to gift me ornamented weapons, signs of Freemasonry, that I also accepted in order not to deter them. Now the most influential and richest Jews have, on different occasions, confided the following to me: “That Freemasonry and Illuminati orders were founded by two Jews (I have unfortunately forgotten the names that they mentioned to me); that all anti-Christian sects derived from them, and that these indeed numbered millions in all countries; that, in Italy alone, they had among their followers 800 Catholic priests, professors, bishops and cardinals; that, in order to better betray the Christians, they acted as Christians and travelled through all countries with false evidence of baptism; that, with the help of money, they would soon demand equal rights in all countries; that, for this purpose, in the case of the possession of houses and lands, they would quickly rob the Christians of their property through usury and that, finally, after less than a century, they would be the rulers of the world and destroy all other sects in order to let their own rule”.

To these confessions Barruel made the observation that a Freemason had infonned him too that there were a number of Jews especially in the highest ranks of Masonry. The whole of the 19th century has proved this and even more so our present. The secret maintenance of Jewish feeling and thought under a Christian cloak is also a fact that one cannot ignore. The Jew David Macotta^^^ narrates that generations of secret Jews live in Spain, especially in the Church. The Jewish historian, Kayserling, reports that a Spanish nobleman informed him in 1895 that he was of Jewish origin and that in his home island, Mallorca, there lived thousands of Jews who, all secret Jews, married only among themselves.

From the womb of Freemasonry emerged, in the middle of the previous century, the International as its child. These two organisations are two wings of one and the same movement. Both are international, both strive for rule in the battle against every religion, both are admitted enemies of every monarchy, both fight against property and family. In the history of Freemasonry it is not the first time that, within its activity, two tendencies are manifested. In this way it could happen that the entire Freemasonry indeed delivered the king of France to the guillotine, and then one part ceased its allegiance to the originators of the revolution and brought them equally under the guillotine.

This was repeated once again in our age in which the “democrats” are forced to the wall by the “proletarians”. Whether temporarily or permanently cannot yet be said with certainty. But in any case the proletarians are chosen as the battering ram to overturn, through revolutions, obstacles that were not to be removed other than through violence. It is not coincidental that it is Jews who lead the troops of anarchy in Russia as well as in Hungary and Germany. They are the best trendsetters for the world-rule of Judaised Freemasonry allied with the Alliance Universelle Israelite.

There was something similar, even if to a smaller extent, in 1871. In the lodges they were delighted about the Paris Commune even if they would have to be shot together. Brother Thirlfoque calls it the greatest revolution that the world could ever admire, the duty of Freemasonry is to support it. Many thought so, but the matter developed too colorfully and it was interrupted. The moor had done his duty. Soon began the dictatorship of the Jew, and brother, Gambetta; the entire government, the senate, press chiefs, etc., were almost without exception brothers of the lodge; among the power-holders of 1879, there were 225 men, among them Cremieux, the founder of the Alliance Universelle Israelite. From this time began also the anti-German propaganda encompassing the entire world. The diplomats of Freemasonry worked tirelessly, the Jews in Germany themselves helped eagerly, the German Freemasons did not offer any obstacles to the whole activity (they were on the quest for the philosophers’ stone) but flirted with the western '‘brother”. The conspirators have today come one considerable step closer to their goal: "through world-revolution to a world-republic”.

That the over-enthusiasm of many hotheads should often be curbed is understandable but the vicious language with which the leaders of the “capitalists” and the “proletarians” mutually consider themselves is only for the stupid people.

“However great the antagonism between the soldiers of both annies may be, the leaders do not share it, the International is up to now in the hands of men who stand more or less under the influence of secret sects”, says C. Janet rightly in the introduction to the mentioned work of Deschamps. For, the Vanderveldes^^"^ and comrades who issued enthusiastic speeches are, at the same time, faithful servants of Freemasonry, i.e. also of Jewry, similar minds have found each other. The news that Lenin and Trotsky too were members of a Paris lodge is not at all improbable even if, up to now, as far as I know, no decisive evidence has been brought forward for it.

A conspiratorial type of the purest kind was Simon Deutsch, a Masonic brother and, at the same time, along with Marx, one of the leaders of the red International. Arnim reports on this personality to Bismarck (1872) that he is one of the most important links between the German and French democratic press and a dangerous political informer. During the Franco-German war, Deutsch lived in Vienna and conducted there a zealous propaganda, naturally, for the French. In 1871, however, he emerged once again in Paris, this time as one of the most active members of the Commune and as one of the most important of its donors. After its defeat he wandered into prison; but not for long: through the intervention of the Austrian consul he was again set free. Even an expulsion from France that followed was of short duration: a friend of the Jew Gambetta secured for him permission to stay in Paris. Here Deutsch financed the Republique frangaise and directed from here the Viennese "Neue Freie Presse”. But the adventurer did not stay long in the city of the Sun-king. He smelt danger and moved to another end of Europe to help to inflame things there.

He travelled to the Bosphorus, was dispatched by the Freemasons to the executive committee of the Young Turks; helped to prepare the overthrow of  Abdül Aziz and did his best to start

the war between Turkey and Russia. In 1877, he was proposed by submissive newspapers as governor of Bosnia; and, soon after, he died. One sees that the manifold aspects of the life of this honorable pilgrim leave nothing to be desired. It would be interesting to find out what relationship, if any, the former Austrian Jewish minister Deutsch has to him.

As for the Jew Karl Marx, he himself arouses to this day a great uprising, even if one must see in him also an intriguer, though a very self-controlled one. Socialists of all shades refer to him today to justify their actions. It seems to me that the Bolshevists do this mostly rightly. Today, when all borders have fallen, Karl Marx would have unfurled the flag of civil war hand in hand with Karl Liebknecht and Leo Trotsky; indeed he applauded the Commune in Paris from London!

A little known episode throws a significant light on his own motivations.

When the still young International called a meeting in Geneva, a question was raised which, if otherwise decided upon, would have been able to make of it a real workers’ party and not a hotbed for ambitious intriguers. The French delegates made a petition to accept into the International, which should be a corporative workers’ representation, only labourers, manual workers in the narrow sense. Thereby they would be able to clearly follow their economic goals in opposition to the many speeches and intrigues. Against this proposal now Marx, supported especially by his sonin-law Lafargue, set all his authority and eloquence and finally succeeded in having all doors remain open to the “intellectuals”.

The consequences of this occurrence can by no means be overestimated. If the earlier resolution had been accepted, the economic programme would have been a clear one; exceptions for non-manual workers who served the interests of workers would not have altered the foundation.

But in this way soon intriguers of all sorts soon lodged themselves in the workers’ movement who, with excellent demagogy, knew how to use the working masses as a spring-board for personal ambitious plans. That even here the Jews stood, and stand, in the very first rank hardly needs to be emphasised again, for never has the worker been so openly abused as by Jewish intellectuals such as Trotsky, Bela Kun, Levine and their innumerable racial comrades.

The workers can thank their Jewish saint, Karl Marx, that he - whether consciously or instinctively must remain an open question - has got them into this soup which they have to deal with today - and tomorrow. Alongside these individual personalities, who are impossible to count (I name only the lodge Masters, P. Herz, M.

Lowenhaar, W. Lewin, C. Cohn, M. Oppenheimer, B. Seligmann, M. Wertheimer, among others, in Germany; Cremieux, Morin in France; M. Montefiore, E. Nathan, etc. in Italy), one family now has distinguished itself, the Rothschilds. Since Amschel Rothschild, who was able to worked so fruitfully with the millions of the Duke of Hesse, since Nathan Rothschild, the actual winner of the Battle of Waterloo, since the Congress of Vienna, since the Treaty of 1871 and, more than ever, in our time, the Rothschilds have woven their golden net over all the countries. They are even today the richest house on earth, they are in the highest positions in all states where they deign to live and they have belonged since 1809 to Freemasonry. This means that they stand unassailable, that they have all the means of money, diplomacy at hand to suppress everything that is unpleasant to them. So we need not wonder that the leaders of Social Democracy, either Jews or Judaizers, were of course able to criticise the royal tyranny, Krupp, and Stinnes, but did not undertake to say a single word against the lords Rothschild. That is why, at the time of the Commune, many houses were indeed plundered, only the palaces (130) of the Rothschilds remained unscathed. That this family, in spite of its belonging to Freemasonry, thinks strictly nationalistically is rather self-evident. Their daughters have married dukes and barons, though no male scion a non-Jewess.

That the Baron Karl von Rothschild was raised to commander of the Order of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary should also not surprise us with the monkey-business that was played out before the world. One means is as good as another.

The purely Jewish lodges works more secretly than in actual Masonry. In New York was founded (1843) the B’nai B’rith Order, which has now become so infamous. Some years ago, it in itself numbered 206 lodges! How many can it be today? Alongside it works the Kesher Shel Barzel; it had, in 1874, around 3300 organisation members ...

The goal of the B’nai B’rith is naturally an exclusively Jewish one; it is not only recently that it has been working for the downfall of the European peoples. In a message of Brother Peixolto (1866) it says: "The Grand Master visits the member lodges as often as possible. This year he paid a visit to those in eleven cities. He has held many conferences in order to instruct them on their duties, to strengthen the efforts of the Order, to achieve the moral and intellectual advancement and the complete unification of the family of Israel”.

If now a person should believe that orthodox Jewry would turn away with horror from the atheistic efforts of Freemasonry, he errs greatly. For, as Dr. Ruppin confessed to us open-heartedly: Jewish orthodoxy is not at all a religion but ""a battle organisation for the maintenance of the Jewish people”. From this point of view alone must one judge their dealings, eveiything else is empty rhetoric for the innocent masses. Jewry have of course as tenaciously as ever maintained themselves as a people; nevertheless time has here and there broken off a stone from the Talmudic structure. These detached members have now founded other battle organisations or used other associations for this purpose; the Alliance Universelle Israelite, Freemasonry, the International, the Anglo-Jewish Association, and many more.

These different storm-troops often fight against one another with one insisting on its long preserved organisation, the other considering the old costume as suitable and wearing, instead of the caftan, a tailcoat, and carrying before its nose the Communist Manifesto instead of the Talmud. They march separately but all strike united against European society. Everything that undermines it is constantly promoted by all of Jewry.

Only in this way does one begin to understand fully the very significant revolution of the Jewish Council of 29 June, 1869, in Leipzig: “The Synod recognises that the development and realisation of the modem principles are the most secure guarantees for the present and future of Jewiy and their supporters. They are the very first vital conditions for the expansive development of Jewry”. Intriguing Freemasonry and Orthodoxy go hand in hand and we witness the strange spectacle that the most conservative institution in world-history, the synagogue, champions revolution in other institutions. And the Chief Rabbi of Frankfurt, Isidor, wrote in 1868:

“The Messiah, whether a man or an idea, whom the Jew awaits, this glorious enemy of the Christian Saviour, has not yet come, but his day is approaching! Already the peoples, led by the societies for the regeneration of progress and enlightenment (i.e. the Freemasons), begin to bow before Israel.

“May the whole of mankind, obedient to the philosophy of the Alliance Universelle Israelite, follow the Jew, who rules the intelligentsia of the progressive nations. Mankind turns its gaze to the capital of the renovated world; that is not London, nor Paris, nor Rome, but Jerusalem, which has risen from its mins, which is at once the city of the past and of the fiiture”.

The fact of Freemasonry and Jewish rule has, as the above remarks show, been examined and studied by many men; even newspapers of earlier times dared from time to time to sigh over it. Thus, for instance, the Munchener historische Blatter, in the year 1862: “The power that the Jews were able to obtain with the help of Freemasonry has reached its zenith. There is a secret society with Masonic forms which is subject to unknown leaders. The members of this association are mainly Jews”.

But these and other timid attempts to revolt did not help. For, the Masonic-Jewish press had the monopoly and could afford to simply smother through silencing all attempts at explanation. Thus did it come about that honest people have until today remained fully n dark uncertainty regarding the activity of their highest generals. It is they who seek “the philosophers’ stone”.

One can indeed understand that many a seeking Mason, indignant, wards off the attacks on his order; for example, Findel in his well-known histoiy of FreemasonryF^^ in the works of Eckert, Barruel, among others, he sees malevolent hostilities and suspicions but without examining all the criticisms more closely. One does not at all need to be totally in agreement with the mentioned researchers but one must admit that they had rightly foreseen the necessary sad consequences of the secret society in spite of many well-intentioned efforts of individuals.

Findel still speaks (in 1861) from a superior point of view of the so-called “Jewish question”. But as an honest man much later he raised his voice loudly against the Jews, forced to do so by bitter experiences. He then thought that the Jew “considers all foreign peoples simply as objects of exploitation”, he demanded the exclusion of Jews from Freemasoniy since he recognised that they are “our oppressors”.

Today Brother Findel would see himself divested of all his illusions. It does not therefore occur to me to deny that therefore there are also among the Masons men with serious efforts; only I regret that they allow themselves to be fooled by men whom one must count amongst the criminals of the greatest calibre.

We have got to know briefly some men, currents and methods of Freemasonry. They were practitioners of lies, deception and crime legalised through supposed honorable motives.

This influence brought Louis XVI to the scaffold; through Freemasonry was the assassination of Duke of Berry committed, as well as that of Ferdinand, King of Naples, of Franz Joseph of Austria and Wilhelm I of Prussia. Emperor Leopold II was a victim of poison, Gustav III of Sweden of Ankastrom’s pistol shot, etc.

The revolution in Portugal was in its time brought about by the lodge (with the most active cooperation of the Jewish cardinal Neto coming from Alsace); at the behest of the lodge fell Archduke Ferdinand in Sarajevo through Serbian Freemasons, and also Brother Jaures (also one of the Red International), when he suddenly felt pangs of conscience and no longer wished to be restrained about the truth. He wrote on 30 July 1914; “Here in France we work with all means of violence for a war which must be fought out to satisfy disgusting desire and because the Paris and London stock-exchanges have been speculating ...” That was his last writing. The murderer was acquitted.

Thus the conspiracy of ambitious men passes through the decades like a gruesome track. “The people must be frenzied”. Ever new words, ever new promises, new lies are thrown to the masses, the submissive newpapers comment on them in the desired direction, the “public opinion” comes to be. “One does not revolutionise a country through peace”. For that reason war, under the direction of financial powers, a step to a higher rule.

In 1859, Ensentin wrote in a letter: “G, who always believes in war, made a visit from which he has returned hopeful. Always believe in war. I think that Rothschild and Pereira pay out what they can and that it is this that has revived hope in him”.

Already in 1852, Eckert said in the conclusion to one of his works: “The Masonic Order is a conspiracy against altar, throne and property for the purpose of a socialistic-theocratic empire of the Order over the entire world with the seat of government in New Jerusalem”. That has literally come true and New Jerusalem is even being built! World war, world revolution, world republic, it was worth fulfilling this plan, the long desired goal stands at the door. There is only a problem of the prestige of certain personalities and questions of discipline within the wold plot. The preconditions are there, the results will follow. Cardinal Manning prophesied with remarkable acuteness in a speech in London on 1 October 1877: “There is something above and behind the emperors and princes; this, more powerful than all of them, will make itself felt when the time has come. On the day that all the armies of Europe are involved in a gigantic conflict, then, on that day, the revolution that today works secretly and underground will consider the time favorable to expose itself. What one saw earlier in Paris one will have before one’s eyes again all over Europe”.

The long cherished work then finally succeeds in seeing Germany surrounded and defeated at the hands of Freemasonry. Italy was drawn into the war not only through national forces but through the activity of the former tutor of the king and later war minister, Ottolenghi (Ottenheimer) and of the Grand Master Ernesto Nathan and of Sonnino. When the latter became Minister for Foreign Affairs, Italy’s attitude was clear. Greece’s king was subject to the influence of Brother Venizelos and the threat of Brother Jonnart (the French delegate). Athens would be shot to pieces. The same thing happened to Romania; North America put in immeasurable finance only when the dark powers behind Baruch and comrades prepared everything necessary in order to attack on a convenient occasion. Now all the financially powerful Jews of America whom Oscar Strauss, himself a Hebrew,proudly leads, stood at the disposal of the conduct of this war; they were the bankers G. Blumenthal, E. Meyer, Isaak Seligmann, W. Salomon, Philipp Lehmann (not to mention Loeb, Schiff, Kahn, etc.); the big industrialists A. Lewisohn, D. Guggenheim; the rabbis Wise, Lyons, Philipson; the professors R. Gottheil, Hollander, Wiener; the journalists Franklin, Stransky, Beer, Frankfurter, etc. Strauss says at the end of his letter (to the French ambassador): that he is “enthusiastic” for the Entente and says that the mood of the Jews for the Alliance (Entente) can be described as almost unanimous. If the Jews were at first not yet fully united, the fraternisation nevertheless became a complete one when the “German” Jews of America joined the Entente.

In early 1918 then came the news, accompanied by triumphing English and French press voices, that all the Germans of America had placed themselves on the side of the Entente in order to fight for humanity against Prussian militarism. One could not believe it until one saw the signatures on the resolution: Schiff, Kohn, Kahn.

The “enthusiasm” of which Oscar Strauss spoke can be understood doubly well when one imagines the speech of the American Jew Isaac Markussohn that he gave as an answer to an address by Lord Northcliffe. The honorable Isaac said verbatim: “War is a gigantic business enterprise in which the most beautiful thing is not the heroism of the soldiers but the business organisation, and America is proud of the favorable business situation that it enjoys”. With this “enthusiasm” did America enter the war for the ideal of humanity, covered by a cloak of lies of vain demagogues. Then other states followed America’s enthusiasm. I do not have the competence to pass a judgement on the certainly multiple roots and motivating factors of the world war, but one root seems to me undeniable: the world conspiracy systematically led by an immeasurable Jewish finance, concealed by secret associations, exploiting the nationalistic strivings of peoples with satanic cunning, for the consolidation of a world-empire.

About all this the German Jewish colony could not have been ignorant but certainly a large part of the German Jews, especially the rich, believed that a weakening of Germany would suffice to secure their power forever; the other part, which did not have to consider personal financial loss, allowed its hatred of Germans to work unobstructed among the best of the Entente and their accomplices, and, after sufficient successes of subversive activities, stabbed the German army in the back and, not satisfied with that, set itself with the help of the Moscow Jewish finance (Joffe, Radek-Sobelsohn) atthe head of anarchy in all German lands and prevented any action being taken against them. Of this sort were Luxemburg, Levien, Miihsam, Levine, Haase, Cohn, etc.

What separated the “democratic” and “revolutionary” Jews from one another were questions of tactics and personal egoism; their goal was the same, that is, Jewish rule in Germany. As regards the German, it could be a matter of indifference whether the marrow was gradually sucked from his bones or whether he was delivered immediately to anarchy.

The last was the case in many places and opened the eyes of many Germans to the nature of Jewish activity, about which the “democrats” - of whom Mr. Frank Cohn spoke in New York - the same who influenced Germany’s fate most decisively, until 1933, were, to a certain degree, shocked. For, if Michael’s eyes were fully opened, then the "furor teutonicus” could perhaps be directed, no longer against “pan-Germanists”, “militarists”, etc., but against the foreign mind which presumed to direct the German destiny. (This awareness came to Germany through the leadership of Adolf Hitler).

After the announcement of the “Conditions of peace”, one suddenly heard patriotic tones from the mouths of Jewish-German statesmen, and the leaves of the Jewish newspaper forest murmured a song of the fatherland. This 'indignation’ does not seem to me to have been appropriate; for our Jews could indeed hardly demand that the regions beyond the Channel and the big pond should place restraints on their hatred and have consideration for them when the German army through its legendary victories would have almost overrun the most cunning calculations of long years’ work.

But they will already be relieved; Mr. Warburg, “well-known in Paris”, and Mr. Melchior seem to have been able, following the famous model of earlier times, to successfully protect their own in Versailles and to have generously left the kingdom of heaven to be cultivated by the German.

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Aribert Heim: SS-Hauptsturmführer

(28 June 1914 – 10 August 1992) Early life Heim was born on June 28, 1914, in Bad Radkersburg, Austria-Hungary, the son of a policeman and a...